Sunday, November 4, 2018

What are the Benefits of Walking After Meal?

What are the Benefits of Walking After Meal?

Research have found that going for a short walk of 10-15 minutes post meals not only benefits the digestion process but also helps in maintaining our overall health . Walking post meals have been found to increase the rate at which food particles move through the stomach. In most cultures post meal drinks like tea, a coffee is served to promote digestion. Recent studies published on post meal drinks have found no effect of such beverages on the digestion process.

Blood sugar typically rises and then falls after eating, but large spikes and variations can raise cardiovascular risk and potentially signal diabetes. 15 minutes of walking post dinner can help lower after meal blood sugar levels especially in people with type 2 diabetes. Overweight adults with a sedentary lifestyle can manage their blood sugar levels and weight by some extent, just by walking post meals instead of watching television or lying on the couch.
Best way to do is give a gap of about 20 minutes to half an hour before going for a walk. 10-15 minutes of light walking is ideal post major meals. Avoid walking immediately post meals as it may result in acid reflux or indigestion.

Walking post dinner also helps as a sleep inducer and makes you sleep faster and deeper.

Fun ways to make walking a habit

1.    Make an office walking group: It can be a group of 2 or 5 of your work place companions or family members, if at home.
2.    If weather does not permit or you cannot find an outside suitable location, choose staircase, mall or an indoor track to walk.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

10 Great Health Benefits of Ragi Flour, Finger Millets, Nachni,

10 Great Health Benefits of Ragi Flour, Finger Millets, Nachni,

Greate Health benefits of Ragi,

Ragi is rich more essential Amino Acid which is needed to human body.  Ragi or nachni also was known as foxtail millet is a effective source of various nutrients and minerals. Notably, it is a rare cause of the amino acid methionine. 
 The whole grain of ragi may be crushed into flour or decorticated before grinding to produce either a fine particle product or flour, which is then used in several traditional foods.  Provisional upon the recipe requirement, you can ground it into a fine or coarse powder. 
You can also use ragi to make roti and dosas, and even mix it with other flours to make a variety of dishes like bread, idli, cake etc.

10 Greate Health benefits of Ragi, Ragi Flour Healthy Recipes

1. High rate in Protein: One cup of whole Ragi Flour (144 grams) gives about nearly 10.3 grams of protein. Ragi is very good source for Vegetarian. Protein help to grow develop muscle.

 2. High Fiber in Ragi: One teacup of whole Ragi Flour gives about 16.1 grams of fibre. This fibre will keep you fuller for a longer time and avoid you from indulge eating. Ragi flour being helps easy digestion and hence relieves constipation. Difficult fibre does not dissolve in water and goes through your stomach without being processed helping other foods move through your system and out. Insoluble fibre keeps you healthier with a better digestive system.

3. Antioxidant: Ragi has various antioxidants which help fight the body against infections and pollution. 
Antioxidants prevent oxidation and thus may help in reducing risk of cancer.

4. Helps to Weight Loss

Ragi benefits weight loss in a exclusive way and holds a major place in diet programs for weight loss. A special amino acid, Tryptophan present in Ragi helps in reduction hunger. It has a higher rate of fiber related to any other grain or rice. The high amount of dietary fiber chains with water and keeps the stomach fuller for a lengthier period of time. 

5. Good for Diabetics: Ragi benefits in diabetes. Ragi flour creates a much lower flow in sugar levels compared to wheat. Ragi is
rich in Magnesium which advances insulin response by lowering insulin resistance. Having very low magnesium will effect in the pancreas not secrete sufficient insulin to control our blood glucose

6.Aids Relaxation

The richness of antioxidants, mainly Tryptophan and amino acids in Ragi help in fighting damage causing free radicals and falling oxidative stress. It works as a natural relaxant and helps in relieving stress related illnesses like anxiety, hypertension, depression and headaches. It also helps in dismissing sleep disorders like Insomnia along with cerebral pains and Migraine.

7. Good for Heart : Ragi flour is rich in 
Magnesium. 100 grams of Ragi have 137 milligrams of Magnesium which is 50% of your endorse daily allowance (RDA). Magnesium helps maintain nerve function and normal heartbeat. Being high in Fibre, Ragi benefits to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and growths the effects of good cholesterol (HDL).

8. Ragi Benefits in 
Endurance : Being high in fibre, protein, dropping blood pressure means more RBC (red blood cells) to give energy. All these factors improve performance of endurance athletes like runners, swimmers and bikers.

9. Builds strong bones and teeth : Once up Ragi flour has 481 mg of Calcium which is 49% of RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance). Calcium is a mineral that makes bones stay strong. The human body reliably removes small amounts of calcium from our bones and that has to be topped up with Calcium rich foods. Ragi Flour is the richest source of Phosphorus which helps build and grow strong bones and teeth.

10. Helps produce Red Blood Cells : Ragi benefits in AnemiaNachni flour is a good source of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) which helps in RBC making and forms ATP which body uses for energy.

11. Healthy skin formation : Being rich in Vitamin B3 (Niacin), enables healthy skin formation and preventing wrinkles and skin diseases.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Meditation bring you to personality peace of mind

Meditation bring you to personality  peace of mind

We get so caught up in the difficulties of our busy lives that it takes a toll on our mind. We are detached from our nature. Every human has a never-ending ocean of joy within. Love is present at the very main of our being. It is our very nature, love, and meditation, the age-old practice of relaxing the mind is the way to repose in our true self.

It is the need of the hour to release our mind of negativity. To shake ourselves free from stress and tension. In the olden days, meditation was used to find explanation. Today, meditation is seen as a real remedy to deal with the stresses of daily life.
Meditation is the best way to take deep rest and relax from long work day and be alert at the same time. It is a skill that calms the mind and allows you to get in touch with your inner self and to aware.
 It is the precious inner peace that is resulting by meditating, by sitting still with ourselves for few minutes. The result of meditation is precious - it takes us to our Self - that too stress free in just a few minutes.

Apart from the various benefits, let’s see the 5 intangible and incredible benefits of meditation.
1.  Ability to developed respond, not react 

Challenging situations and insecure times can be a cause for anxiety and may take away our awareness of the present moment. We are converted by our emotions. We act on desire even though we are required to take a calculated and rational decision. Meditation gives us the power to accept situations as they are. We are responding to consciously to a situation. We do not react into the ignorance and say or do something which we may later regret.

2.  We can still our mind peace

An unsettled mind that is filled with excessive thoughts drains away our prana (life force), leaving us fatigued and tired. We can move from this turbulence towards tranquility by practicing meditation and with aware. “We cannot straight force or demand peace of mind, but we can prepare the mind to become still.” A still and concentrated mind is a powerhouse of enthusiasm, it is where creativity beginnings.

3.  We can performance with awareness

Meditation releases the stresses that are collected in our mind and leaves it fresh and clear. It brings the mind to the present moment, which is the field of all actions awareness. Can we bring back the past? Can we smile three hours later? We can only plan for it and apply it. But, we can smile from NOW. That is in our hands can do easily. Any action is be possible only in the present moment. When the mind is totally in the present instant, we act with complete awareness. Then, action is perfect and without mistakes.
4.   We can spread happiness and calm

We have the ability to influence our surroundings happiness events. Whereas, when we enter a room where a baby is playing, the smooth feeling catches on to us. Similarly, as we practice meditation on a regular basis, we will notice a noticeable transformation within ourselves and gain peace of mind. We will carry a beautiful energy around us spread with other. This will seem not just to us, but also to people around us.

5.  We can give peace a chance to ourselves and others

Peace is not just a lack of conflict. It is a positive state of mind that we all nurture within us to live a peace of mind life. It is the inner peace that can be bring outer peace in a family, in society and ultimately in the world. To generate peace between communities and nations, we need to look within. Meditation is that inward journey that takes us towards a lasting solution. Once we find peace within, we are able to share it with our family, friends, and society, others. And then we can move towards a beautiful and  better world!  

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Step to Maintain Healthy Lifestyle

 Step to Maintain Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy diet should include a wide variety of nutritious foods for sufficient intake of all nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. Foods to include are breads, pastas, lean meats, fish, fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet can help you maintain a healthy body weight and decrease your risk of many diet-related chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. 

Physical activity and healthy eating

A good balance between exercise and food intake is important, as this helps to maintain muscle strength and a healthy body weight. At least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity, such as walking, is recommended every day.

1. Keep Healthy Habits Every Day

When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, one of the most important things you can do is simply striving for consistency. No matter how busy life gets or how much your schedule changes on a daily basis, try to eat the same balance of whole foods, consume a similar number of calories, and work in a consistent amount of physical activity.
You might be tempted to maintain your healthy habits during the week and give yourself a break on the weekend, but it’s important to keep things consistent every day of the week. By sticking to your healthy habits seven days a week, you’ll be less tempted to binge and more likely to sustain your weight loss for the long term.

2. Stay On Top of Your Maintenance Calories

After reaching your weight loss goal, you might be tempted to ease up on your diet plan or change your eating patterns altogether. While it might be a good idea to incorporate a different range of nutritious foods in your diet, it’s important to keep an eye on your caloric intake. After all, the number of calories you need at your target weight probably won’t be the same as what you needed when you began your weight loss journey.

3. Switch to an Exercise Routine You like

You already know that regular exercise and good physical fitness is essential for helping you reach your ideal weight. But you might not realize how important exercise is for feeling good and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
If you’re already used to getting your cardio and strength training in during your daily visit to the gym, keep it up. If you’re ready for a change of your routine, however, try not to take a break. Instead, squeeze in 60 minutes physical activity each day, whether you’re jogging on the treadmill, going for a swim, or going for a hike around your local park.

4. Increase Your Water Consumption

When your primary goal is getting in shape and eating right, you might not give water the attention it deserves. As you strive to keep up your healthy habits, however, it’s important to increase your water consumption.
Not only will drinking water keep you hydrated and improve how your body functions, but keeping the water flowing can also help with weight maintenance. Try drinking a large glass of water before a meal, and the feeling of fullness you’ll experience could help to reduce your calorie intake.

5. Get a Full Night’s Sleep

Life has a habit of getting busy, but if you never make time for sleep, your healthy lifestyle goals could suffer. After all, sleep debt and weight gain are more closely connected than you might think. When you don’t get enough sleep, you’re more likely to skip the exercise that helps you burn fat and build muscle, and you’re prone to making unhealthy eating decisions. So how can you make sure that being tired doesn’t prompt you to make bad choices? Aim to get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night, and try to find the ideal amount of sleep for your body.

6. Track Your Progress

After tracking your weight loss progress carefully for months or years, you might be looking forward to setting aside the scale or putting down the calorie tracking apps. Reaching your target weight doesn’t mean you should stop assessing your progress, though. Instead, it’s important to continue to track your progress so you can make sure you’re maintaining your healthy lifestyle.
Use an app to continue to track your food intake and exercise routines, and make a point of hopping on the scale once a week. Since your new goal is maintaining your current weight, you’ll want to keep an eye out for weight gain or loss. When you use an app to keep a digital diary, you can easily look back on your patterns and identify unhealthy habits before they cause you to get too far off track.

7. Forgive Yourself For a Bad Day

Even when you try your hardest to stick to your healthy habits, you have to expect the occasional setback. Whether you feel under the weather and have to skip your spin class or you accidentally overindulged at a birthday party, you’re bound to have a bad day every once in awhile.
When this happens, don’t assume the worst or convince yourself that you’ve ruined your diet for good. Instead, do your best to power through the day, forgive yourself for a minor slip up, and get back to your healthy habits right away. Try drinking extra water, making sure that you get enough sleep, and restocking your fridge with healthy options. Understand that one off day won’t compromise all your hard work and that a small setback doesn’t have to derail everything you want to achieve.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Lack of Protein Deficiency

Lack of Protein Deficiency

Being overweight can be a sign of its decrease. we have to take very good care to our health through natural food. Deficiency of hair, rupture or fall may also reflect this deficiency. Like every nutrient body, the body also needs a protein in a certain amount. Both its excess and lack can have a bad effect on health. Due to the absence of this vital nutrient or not sufficient amounts, cardiac problems, besides the mumps and bones, can also be produced. Problems with its deficiency can show some such symptoms.

Fast loss of weight:
Being overweight can be a sign of its decrease. This symptom can be born due to waste of muscles. Actually, when the body does not get the protein, it breaks the muscles and starts to try to take the protein. As a result the muscles begin to lose. This can lead to severe weight loss.

Hair loss:
Deficiency of hair, rupture or fall may also reflect this deficiency. Since protein is contributed to the formation of hair, in such cases the hair may be in short supply. Similarly, the weakness of the nails can also be a sign of lack of protein. Due to this, there may be problems in hand nail hairs, white streaks and rupture of nails.

Edema in the body:
Edema means that the body or the mass of the body is collected in parts of the body. This problem can also be caused by a lack of protein, because the protein is helpful in maintaining the balance of water in the body. Its effect is visible on most feet, ankles, etc.

Bad skin:
Rashes on a skin or a skin that has a withered skin can also flourish with this shortage. As well as weakness, imbalance in sleep, delay in recovery of wounds, frequent hunger, pain in muscles and joints, decrease in irritation and energy, headache and dizziness, etc. Problems may also be due to lack of protein.

This way thrives hard
Problems with deficiency of protein include ranging from general to specific and serious problems. There can be many reasons behind this, such as lack of balance of the diet, not having the correct information of the source of the protein, and following a particular type of diet, etc. All these things can cause a deficiency of protein. People often think that proteins are needed only for athletes or body builders. Whereas every common person needs a certain amount of protein.

Make the food balanced:
To avoid the deficiency of protein, make rice, wheat, maize, oats etc. whole grains, soya, peanuts, spinach, peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, dairy products, fish, eggs, etc. to be an essential part of your diet. If you are experiencing symptoms much faster then check with your doctor and take supplements and medicines. Paying attention to this on time can greatly reduce the problem.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Vitamin C Benefits

Introduction to Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is necessary for normal growth and development of the body.
Water-soluble vitamins means that they get dissolved in water very easily, our body cannot store them. Human body needs a continuous supply of this vitamin as it leaves our body through urine. Vitamin C is involved in the protein metabolism of our body.
Sources of Vitamin C
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid is commonly found in Citrus fruits such as Lemons, Oranges and Grapefruit. Other sources include fruits and vegetables such as Strawberries, Raspberries, Pineapple, Kiwis, Mangoes, Papaya, green and red Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Spinach and Broccoli.


Deficiency of Vitamin C may result in fatigue and weakness, swollen gums, nosebleeds, irritability, depressed mood, muscle & joint pain, Trouble fighting infections, wound healing rate etc.….
Extreme lack of Vitamin C for longer periods can cause Scurvy. Symptoms of scurvy are skin that bruises easily, bleeding gums etc….

Recommended Dosage for an Individual

Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) are the amount of vitamins and minerals as nutrition in healthy persons. It may vary on a person’s age, sex and physical condition, including considerations like pregnancy.
Infants and children (Birth to 3 years) 30-40mg
4 to 6 years of age                                    45mg
7 to 10 years of age                                  45mg
Adolescent and adult males                    50-60mg
Adolescent and adult females                 50-60mg
Pregnant females                                     70mg        
Breastfeeding females                            100mg
An estimated of 40% of Men and 38% of Women are getting insufficient amounts of Vitamin C. If you’re not eating your fruits and veggies, it’s a good idea to take Vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C supplementation has been shown to provide support for our Immune System response, Nervous system function, Tissue growth and the production of collagen.
Before including Vitamin C as a Dietary supplement it is better to consult a health care provider.

Side effects

Side effects have not been reported as a result of normal Vitamin C use.

Benefits of Vitamin C for our Body

Vitamin C acts as a barrier against infections. According to Researcher’s, our body uses Vitamin C in many different ways. Our body uses Vitamin C to repair our skin, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. It also uses this Vitamin to repair and maintain cartilage, bones and teeth, to heal wounds and to form scar tissue.
Vitamin C helps in preventing Common Cold.
Vitamin C prevents cardiovascular diseases.
Vitamin C is also very important for our Eye Health.
Vitamin C is an effective antioxidant, which helps to repair damage cells and block skin from the damaging effects of free radicals.
Vitamin C is great for our Hair and helps to strengthen even our nails.
Vitamin C if taken regularly in our diet, promotes for a Healthy Immune system and also promotes for a healthy nervous system functioning.

Vitamin C and Smoking

Cigarette Smoking can lower the amount of Vitamin C in our body, smokers are more prone to deficiency of Vitamin C, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Often, doctors suggest a Vitamin C supplement to smokers to prevent and cure this deficiency.


Many people tend to take more than the required dose of Vitamin C without any side effects. Since Vitamin C is water soluble, it is not stored in the body and excreted out through urine. However, some people taking more than 2000mg could experience gastrointestinal upset.
People prone to Kidney stone formation in their body should get clearance from their doctor before taking high doses of Vitamin C.
Too much of intake can lead to Kidney stones, irregular Heart beat and Diarrhea.

What are the Benefits of Walking After Meal?

What are the Benefits of Walking After Meal? Research have found that going for a short walk of 10-15 minutes post meals not only benef...